Paediatric sleep and Postnatal care services

  • Attachment focused

    Prioritising the importance of attachment, security and bond.

  • Family Centred

    Techniques that align with your parenting ethos, always.

  • Evidence Based

    Ensuring I am at the forefront of best practice at all times.


Make sleep count.

Here you will find a collection of services I currently offer. Whether you’re planning ahead in pregnancy or parenting a school aged child, I can help.

Every family is unique in their needs and so if you don’t see what you need here- just get in touch! You will be provided with a dedicated and quality service that reflects my passion, experience and extensive training.


Hi, I’m FERN


A passionate advocate for gentle sleep support, I believe every family deserve informed choice and support in navigating parenthood. Sleep is a highly emotive topic, and yet desperately needed! I empower parents to feel confident in truly connecting to their children’s needs and nature and by balancing the family’s wellbeing and wishes, we work together to improve sleep for the whole family.